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Productivity coaching 


Productivity coaching is a collaborative journey that I take with my clients. We connect virtually and delve into the areas that are crucial to enhancing their efficiency, organization, and productivity at work. However, before we proceed, it’s essential to understand what productivity coaching entails and what it doesn’t. 

1. Firstly, productivity coaching does not aim to convert you into a productivity robot. I firmly believe in our human nature and the need to embrace it in our work. Hence, my approach won’t turn you into an all-work-no-play individual. 

2. Secondly, my productivity coaching sessions aren’t designed to strip your life of rest and relaxation opportunities. In fact, they’re designed to enhance them! As you become more effective, you’ll likely experience reduced stress, allowing you to enjoy your day more.

3. Thirdly, productivity coaching isn’t some judgmental process where I utilize shame as a tool for transformation. I advocate for kindness - to me and to you. We must operate through a lens of kindness as it facilitates productivity. There’s no shame in seeking help with your productivity, and I certainly wouldn’t use it against you.


Now, let’s talk about what productivity coaching IS:


It’s a collaborative process where we uncover tactical, practical systems that resonate with your personality and your environment. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. I’m here to help you discover methods that can make you more organized and effective at work.


It’s a tool to identify potentially maladaptive habits or irregular patterns in your organization that might be inhibiting your progress. Together, we’ll devise strategies to maneuver around these obstacles or eradicate them completely.


Productivity coaching is impactful and delivers immediate results that last for years. Interestingly, it’s also contagious! Many of my clients have noted how their improved time management influenced their colleagues to do the same.

So, what kind of results can you expect?


  • Reduced work hours per week, lower stress levels, and less anxiety about daily responsibilities. 
  • Enhanced capability to manage day-to-day tasks and access to robust project management tools for better organization.
  • Improved email management, transforming your inbox from a black hole into a manageable tool.
  • Easier access to your electronic information for better decision-making at work.
  • Lastly, a better work/life balance with well-defined boundaries and goals that allow you to be fully present wherever you are.

Key Features of Productivity Coaching


Personalized Approach:

We uncover tactical, practical systems that align with your personality and your work environment. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution; it’s tailored to you.


Identification of Unproductive Habits:

Together, we identify potentially maladaptive habits or disorganized patterns that might be inhibiting your progress. We then devise strategies to navigate or eliminate these obstacles.


Immediate and Lasting Impact:

Productivity coaching offers immediate results that last for years, enhancing your efficiency, organization, and productivity at work.


Enhanced Work-Life Balance:

As you become more effective at managing your tasks, you’re likely to experience reduced stress and improved work/life balance.


Comprehensive Improvement:

From managing emails better to having easier access to your electronic information for better decision-making, we cover all aspects of productivity.


Non-Judgmental Process:

Our coaching is a shame-free zone. We operate through a lens of kindness and respect, creating an open and supportive environment for transformation.


The journey starts with an assessment during which we’ll discuss and develop the goals and needs for your productivity improvement during a free discovery session. We will then put together an action plan and start the process.

Book a free discovery call

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